Object structure

Evolution of aeolian landscapes in north-eastern Estonia under environmental changes


Geographia Polonica Vol. 84 Special Issue Part 1 (2011)


Raukas, Anto (1935– )



Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



187 s. ; 24 cm

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

krajobrazy eoliczne ; rzeźba eoliczna ; paleoklimat ; wypiętrzenia neotektoniczne ; wydmy ; jezioro Peipsi ; Estonia


1. Cooper, W.S. (1958), Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington, Geological Society of America, Memoirs, 72: 1–169.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/MEM72-p1 -
2. Eltermann, G. and Raukas, A. (1966), Eesti luidetest [Estonian sand dunes], Eesti Loodus, 1: 12–18 (in Estonian with Russian and English summaries).
3. Jaani, A. (2001), Lowering of the water level of Lake Peipsi, in Nõges, T. (ed.), Lake Peipsi. Meteorology. Hydrology. Hydrochemistry, Sulemees Publishers, Tartu, 45–46.
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5. Jaani, A. and Reap, A. (2001), Water level prognosis for the near future, in Nőges, T. (ed.), Lake Peipsi. Meteorology. Hydrology. Hydrochemistry, Sulemees Publishers, Tartu, 47.
6. Koster, E.A. (1988), Ancient and modern cold-climate aeolian sand deposition: a review, Journal of Quaternary Science, 3: 69–83.
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7. Orviku, K. (1933), Tuiskliiv [Drifting sand], Tartu K/Ü Loodus, Tartu.
8. Pirrus, R. and Raukas, A. (1996), Late-Glacial Stratigraphy in Estonia, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 45, 1: 34–45.
9. Raukas, A. (1992), Ice-marginal formations of the Palivere zone in the Eastern Baltic, Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Ser. Ca, 81: 277–284.
10. Raukas, A. (1997), Aeolian activity, in: Raukas, A. and Teedumäe, A. (eds), Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn, 290–293.
11. Raukas, A. (2009), When and how did the continental ice retreat from Estonia? Quaternary International, 207: 50–57.
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12. Raukas, A. and Hütt, G. (1988), On the Luminescence Dating of Eolian Deposits in Estonia, Baltica, 11: 17–24.
13. Raukas, A., Kalm, V., Karukäpp, R. and Rattas, M. (2004), Pleistocene glaciations in Estonia, in: Ehlers, J. and Gibbard, P.L. (eds), Quaternary Glaciations – Extent and Chronology, Part I: Europe, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 83–91.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1571-0866(04)80057-5 -
14. Raukas, A. and Rähni, E. (1969), O geologicheskom razvitii vpadiny i basseinov Chudskogo i Pskovskogo ozyor [On the geological development of the Peipsi-Pihkva depression and the basins distributed in that region], Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia, 18, 2: 113–127 [in Russian with English summary].
15. Raukas, A., Rähni, E. and Miidel, A. (1971), Kraevye lednikovye obrazovania Severnoi Estonii [Marginal glacial formations in North Estonia], Valgus, Tallinn, [in Russian, with English summary].
16. Raukas, A., Saarse, L. and Veski, S. (1995), A new version of the Holocene stratigraphy in Estonia, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 44, 4: 201–210.
17. Rähni, E. (1959), Iisaku-Illuka ooside ala [The esker district of Iisaku-Illuka], Eesti Loodus, 1: 16–22.
18. Zeeberg, J.J. (1993), Aeolian redistribution of glacial silt and sand in Estonia and the Baltic Region, Institute of Geographical Research Utrecht Rapport, 12: 1–98.
19. Tiismann, B. (1924), Hiiusaare rannikuluited, nende kinnistamine ja metsastamine [Coastal dunes of Hiiumaa Island, their fixing and afforestation], Tartu Ülikooli Metsaosakonna Toimetused, 1: 1–95.
20. Tavast, E., Raukas, A. and Moora, T. (1983), Kallast mööda ümber Vōrtsjärve [Circling Lake Võrtsjärv along its shores], Eesti Loodus, 6: 364–373.


Geographia Polonica




Special Issue Part 1

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