Herman, Grigore Vasile : Autor ; Wendt, Jan A : Autor ; Dumbravă, Răzvan : Autor ; Gozner, Maria : Autor
Geographia Polonica Vol. 92 No. 4 (2019)
The expansion of tourism at regional and global levels requires considerable efforts from those involved, if tourist-destination management is to be optimized. In that context, the purpose of the work underpinning this article has been to emphasize and quantify the roles and functions that responding examples of Romania’s Tourist Information and Promotion Centers play and serve, as they seek to create and promote for their country the image of attractive tourist destination. Indicators taken account of in the work relate to tasks set out in the domestic legislation put in place to accredit the said National Tourist Information and Promotion Centers. Results obtained using the questionnaire method, though limited quantitatively (to just the 35 out of 110 Centers that responded positively to the research team’s request), are suggestive in qualitative terms, providing valuable information that successfully reflects the role and importance of Centers of this kind in outlining and developing the image of Romania as a destination for tourists.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Dec 20, 2021
Dec 13, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Herman G. V. i in. : The role and importance of Promotion Centers in creating the image of tourist destination: Romania | Dec 20, 2021 |
Pałka-Łebek, Ewa Kudla, Nazar
Herman, Grigore Vasile Banto, Norbert Ciaciora, Tudor Ungureanu, Mihaela Furdui, Sorin Garai, Lavinia Daiana Grama, Vasile
Bar-Kołelis, Delia Wendt, Jan A
Bernhauer, Karl Mager (18..-19..). Redaktor Kaiserlich-Königliches Militär-Geographisches Institut (Wiedeń). Instytucja sprawcza Wydawca
Zosel, W. Redaktor Hesse, H. Redaktor Schiffmann, P. Redaktor Löber, Alfred (18..-19..). Redaktor Kaiserlich-Königliches Militär-Geographisches Institut (Wiedeń). Instytucja sprawcza Wydawca