RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = %22In the recent years%2C there has been an ongoing discussion concerning the role and position of socio%5C-economic geography in the system of geographical sciences. This article is an attempt to determine the these qualities%2C in particular the definition of rural geography. The author focuses on the triple structure of rural research%5C: village%2C rural area and suburban area %5C(rural%5C-urban continuum%5C). In the geographical literature%2C there may be mentioned at least three conceptual models of rural studies%5C: functional%2C systemic and humanistic. In systemic conceptualization of rural research there are three subsystems%5C: I %E2%80%93 conditions%2C II %E2%80%93 structural%5C-functional and III %E2%80%93 strategic %5C(Fig. 2%5C). Subsystem of conditions %5C(I%5C) has 10 research fields%5C: %5C(1%5C) location%2C %5C(2%5C) historical background%2C %5C(3%5C) land use%2C %5C(4%5C) morphogenetic forms%2C %5C(5%5C) demographic processes%2C %5C(6%5C) social phenomena%2C %5C(7%5C) economic effects %5C(8%5C) innovation conditions %5C(9%5C) cultural heritage%2C %5C(10%5C) planning conditions. Functional%5C-structural subsystem %5C(II%5C) has also 10 research fields%5C: R %E2%80%93 agriculture%2C L %E2%80%93 forestry%2C P %E2%80%93 industry and mining%2C T %E2%80%93 tourism and recreation%2C M %E2%80%93 housing%2C U %E2%80%93 services%2C K %E2%80%93 communication%2C S %E2%80%93 social and technical infrastructure%2C O %E2%80%93 environmental protection and W %E2%80%93 multifunctionality. Strategic subsystem %5C(III%5C) considers a variety of scenarios%5C: success%2C moderate development%2C stagnation%2C recession%2C peripheralization%2C depression and decay scenario %5C(I%5C-VII%5C)%2C as an effect of optimal use %5C(or disuse%5C) sphere of nature%2C socio%5C-demographic%2C economic and infrastructure%2C at the local%2C regional%2C national and global dimension.%22]

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