@misc{Kalicki_Tomasz._Autor_Przyrodniczo-demograficzne_2018, author={Kalicki, Tomasz. Autor and Kiniorska, Iwona. Autor and Kuszal, Piotr. Autor and Wrońska-Kiczor, Janina. Autor}, volume={50}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={Effective management of geographical space depends on detailed diagnosis of all environmental conditions. The aim of the study is to present natural and demographic conditions of spatial management in selected rural areas and to assess their predisposition for development of agriculture, tourism and locating industry. Three selected communes of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship with diverse characteristics of natural environment and varied functional structure were examined The CSO (GUS) statistical data, available cartographic material, environmental studies and field prospection were employed. The analysis was conducted within two thematic blocks, including: • evaluation of selected components and characteristics of natural environment and its functioning, • evaluation of demographic and social phenomena. Environmental and demographic conditions for spatial management in selected rural areas are diverse. Evaluation of natural environment classification proves that all areas present mediocre predispositions for development of agriculture and Stąporków commune is the only one with considerable potential for tourism development and locating industry. The most favorable demographic situation for major forms of economy (agriculture, industry investment) occurs in Pawłów commune, while the least desired in Stąporków commune, where contemporary demographic processes can only favor tourism (e.g. leisure, health resort). Evaluation of local conditions of the natural and demographic environment allowed to indicate optimal directions for development of selected communes. This is only possible if the potential of the natural environment is properly assessed. However, economic development is impossible with the progressive degradation of demographic potential. Environmental and demographic determinants should be the basis when planning the functions of a commune.}, title={Przyrodniczo-demograficzne uwarunkowania gospodarowania przestrzenią wiejską na przykładzie wybranych gmin województwa świętokrzyskiego = Natural and demographic conditions for rural space management on the example of selected communes of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/68058/PDF/WA51_87690_r2018-t50_SOW-Kalicki.pdf}, keywords={ecophysiographic evaluation, demographi analysis, land use, potential of communes}, }