@misc{Némethyová_Barbora_Clusters_2009, author={Némethyová, Barbora and Dolná, Zuzana}, volume={19}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Europa XXI}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The importance of developing global and local networks and business clusters between fi rms and companies in order to reach competitiveness has recently become one of the most significant issues in modern economies. Geography plays an important role in this field because it places all these networks into particular space and territory, giving them specific characteristics. In the last two decades, firms and regions have actively engaged in networks to survive in global markets and to pursue sustainable development. However, due to the individualism of companies and the lack of knowledge of potential benefits of networking, cluster theories are still neglected as a tool for enhancing the regions` qualities and competitiveness in less developed countries. Furthermore, the theoretical information is not systematized but rather fragmented, it is insufficient and empirical studies are limited, too. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of networking and to provide a kind of background theory for further empirical research. First of all, it will summarize basic knowledge and theories about clusters and networks based on available literary sources. Clusters are not easy to defi ne and their classification is also not so clear, therefore this paper endeavours to clarify basic definitions, dynamics and typology of clusters and levels of networks so that it can serve as a conceptual frame for further empirical research. Finally, it will try to examine whether such clusters and networks do really exist in the Slovakian context and if they do, then whether they are comparable to those in Western European countries.}, title={Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/55823/PDF/WA51_75522_r2009-t19_EuropaXXI-Nemethyova.pdf}, keywords={clusters, cluster policy, regional development, networks, Slovakia}, }