@misc{Kołodziejczak_Anna_Wielofunkcyjność_2015, author={Kołodziejczak, Anna}, volume={37}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={Multifunctional agriculture perfectly corresponds to the concept of the sustainable development of rural areas. It brings environmental benefits: moderate and economical use of resources, respect for natural environment, preservation of agricultural landscape, conservation of animal species and plant varieties valuable in natural terms. Economic advantages related to multifunctional agriculture include additional income for farmers. There are also some social benefits such as: reinforcement of mutual links and acceptance by local communities concerning the development line of their areas. The main idea of multifunctionality is that while there are many agricultural functions expressed in terms of goods, services and markets, agriculture also produces non-market goods, e.g. in helping to preserve the landscape or biodiversity. The existence of both these types of goods is not antagonistic. The connection between the beneficial external effects of farming and its production of market goods is known as jointness. The scenario of support for multifunctional farming in Poland was outlined in the Rural Development Plan 2004–2006, and is continued under the Rural Development Programme 2007–2013. The instruments employed to implement the goals of multifunctional farming and sustainable development of rural areas were the EU measures: Support for agricultural activity in less-favoured areas (LFAs), the agri-environmental programme, and payments for energy crops. On the basis of research incorporating spatial autocorrelation statistics, the RDP 2007–2013 measures supporting multifunctional agriculture in its productive and natural (green) functions were found to have an advantageous effect on the sustainable development of rural areas in the following Voivodeships: Zachodniopomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Podlaskie as well as northern parts of Mazowieckie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. Their effect was less significant in southern Poland, as well as in Kujawsko-Pomorskie in the case of organic farming and in Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie in the case of energy crops. In the remaining regions support for multifunctional farming had no significant influence on the sustainable development of their rural areas.}, title={Wielofunkcyjność rolnictwa jako czynnik rozwoju zrównoważonego obszarów wiejskich w Polsce = Multifunctionality of agriculture as a sustainable development factor of rural areas in Poland}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/55723/PDF/WA51_76029_r2015-t37_SOW-Kolodziejczak.pdf}, keywords={multifunctionality of agriculture, sustainable development, rural areas, spatial autocorrelation}, }