@misc{Falkowski_Jan_Geografia_2015, author={Falkowski, Jan}, volume={37}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={In the recent years, there has been an ongoing discussion concerning the role and position of socio-economic geography in the system of geographical sciences. This article is an attempt to determine the these qualities, in particular the definition of rural geography. The author focuses on the triple structure of rural research: village, rural area and suburban area (rural-urban continuum). In the geographical literature, there may be mentioned at least three conceptual models of rural studies: functional, systemic and humanistic. In systemic conceptualization of rural research there are three subsystems: I – conditions, II – structural-functional and III – strategic (Fig. 2). Subsystem of conditions (I) has 10 research fields: (1) location, (2) historical background, (3) land use, (4) morphogenetic forms, (5) demographic processes, (6) social phenomena, (7) economic effects (8) innovation conditions (9) cultural heritage, (10) planning conditions. Functional-structural subsystem (II) has also 10 research fields: R – agriculture, L – forestry, P – industry and mining, T – tourism and recreation, M – housing, U – services, K – communication, S – social and technical infrastructure, O – environmental protection and W – multifunctionality. Strategic subsystem (III) considers a variety of scenarios: success, moderate development, stagnation, recession, peripheralization, depression and decay scenario (I-VII), as an effect of optimal use (or disuse) sphere of nature, socio-demographic, economic and infrastructure, at the local, regional, national and global dimension.}, title={Geografia wsi – próba ujęcia systemowego = Rural geography – an attempt to systemic approach}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/55721/PDF/WA51_75983_r2015-t37_SOW-Falkowski.pdf}, keywords={rural geography, systemic conceptualization, research areas, development strategy}, }