@misc{BÄ…kowska-Waldmann_Edyta._Autor_The_2024, author={BÄ…kowska-Waldmann, Edyta. Autor}, volume={97}, number={4}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Geographia Polonica}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the research was to investigate the use and potential of Planning Support Systems (PSS) in public participation within spatial planning in Polish local governments. Data from 718 local spatial planning departments, collected using CATI method, reveals limited current use of PSS tools in public participation, primarily passive online document viewing. Despite this, there is a growing potential for online methods, such as interactive meetings, necessitating PSS tools for real-time interaction. The study highlights a strong adherence to statutory consultation forms, suggesting a need for PSS development focused on legal requirements in public participation.}, type={Text}, title={The prospects for the implementation of Planning Support Systems (PSS)in participatory decision-making in local governments in Poland}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/243336/WA51_279965_r2024-t97-no4_G-Polonica-Bakowska.pdf}, keywords={local government, spatial planning, decision-making, planning support systems, public participation}, }