@misc{Parol_Adam_R._Autor_Słupsk_2024, author={Parol, Adam R. Autor}, volume={96}, number={2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={This article concerns functional-spatial relationships between an urban centre and its regional surroundings as exemplified by the retail sphere – i.e. large-format chain shops and retail-service complexes. The study covered the city of Słupsk, located in Poland’s Middle Pomerania region – one of the largest and most important cities in northern Poland – and 3 facilities located in its immediate vicinity, in the highly urbanised village of Kobylnica (Fig. 2, Table 2). The inspiration for research in this area, which was based on passenger car traffic, was the desire to reach information unavailable in public statistics. A further matter of significance was to take account of the development in Poland in the first quarter of the 21st century of individual motorisation and the sphere of trade covered by the analysis. The main research questions underpinning the study were thus as follows: 1. What is the volume and structure of visitor traffic to the most important retail facilities in Słupsk? 2. What is the spatial range of influence of Słupsk as a centre with supra-local commercial functions? Słupsk can be indicated as serving a developed role of sub-regional centre, albeit with only a partially-developed regional function. It constitutes a central point of agglomeration of trade and service activities for the eastern part of the Middle Pomerania, reaching also slightly further to the south-east, and complementing in the west Koszalin – as a centre less well-equipped in this sphere of economic activity. In this way we obtain a picture of the spatial influence the city under study exerts, as signalled above. The results of the study show an incompatibility to the directions and sizes of flows of access to commercial facilities with the administrative division at voivodeship level and the boundary of Słupsk – and the predominance of functional connections over administrative ones is noticeable. In fact, the influence of the border of the Western Pomerania Voivodeship on Słupsk’s relations with counties is invisible, as is the city’s boundary with Kobylnica as its largest suburb. The results are related to the administrative division of Poland into 49 voivodeships in place in the 1975 1998 period, during which time Słupsk as a voivodeship city (provincial capital) was a natural centre for several surrounding counties. Research based on today’s boundaries hinders recognition of the degree to which the relict border is still somehow in existence, as the municipalities within sławieński and chojnicki counties were only partly located within Słupsk voivodeship.}, type={Text}, title={Słupsk jako regionalny ośrodek handlowy – popularność i zasięg przestrzenny na podstawie pomiarów ruchu samochodowego = Słupsk as a regional centre of trade – popularity and spatial reach based on measurements of car traffic}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/241760/WA51_277978_r2024-t96-nr2_Przeg-Geogr-Parol.pdf}, keywords={trade, car, commerce, transport, space, Słupsk, Pomerania, Poland}, }