@misc{Nowak_Maciej_Jacek_Wymiar_2023, author={Nowak, Maciej Jacek and Śleszyński, Przemysław. Autor and Churski, Paweł. Autor and Degórski, Marek. Autor and Komornicki, Tomasz. Autor and Sagan, Iwona. Autor and Stryjakiewicz, Tadeusz. Autor}, volume={95}, number={4}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article is to identify possible problem-subject interfaces that encapsulate the legal perspective in the discipline of socio-economic geography and spatial management. With a view to the article’s objective being achieved, an indication of the general relations pertaining between the geographical sciences and the legal sciences is given, prior to an identification and presentation of key theoretical currents making it easier to clarify the role of the legal dimension in socio-economic geography and the spatial economy. A particular emphasis is here placed on the institutional approach and legal geography. There is then an identification of the most relevant topics in which there is a relationship between the legal dimension and socio-economic geography and the spatial economy. In practice, the two groups of issues identified were those in which the legal dimension is already recognised (albeit with the direction needing to be developed), or else those in which the legal dimension either goes unrecognised, or is only recognised marginally. Within each group, key issues are pointed out, and the most thematically relevant areas of law assigned to them. An attempt has also been made to identify key directions for future research and scholarly discussion. The article also serves as an invitation to further reflection and discussion. As shown above, both the institutional framing and that relating to the ‘branch’ that is the geography of law (legal geography) may be reflected adequately in foreseeable research fields, as well as problems to be identified and clarified. Even though the role of other branches of law is not neglected, it is necessary to state that the legal dimension relating to administrative law should be specially analysed within the framework of socio-economic geography and the spatial economy. Significantly, the internal branch structure of administrative law seems to coincide to a large extent with the ‘branch’ division of socio-economic geography and the spatial economy, even if this would of course not preclude more comprehensive or even holistic approaches in the future. The issues as presented lead us to a conclusion that the links between socio-economic geography and the spatial economy and the legal sciences are strong, even if this does not gain adequate reflection in research, or in theoretical and methodological progress. The article thus also serves as an invitation to further reflection and discussion. To that end, key conceptual and theoretical-methodological foundations are identified by the author, with a view to the discussion in question being guided. As has been demonstrated, both the institutional approach and that relating to the ‘sectoral’ geography of law (legal geography) can gain adequate reflection in foreseeable research fields, along with problems to be identified and clarified. A further line of work should be to detail better the relationship between the indicated theoretical frameworks and the issues identified, with these also being translated into proposals for concrete research.}, title={Wymiar prawny w dyscyplinie geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna. Podstawy teoretyczne i zagadnienia badawcze = The legal dimension to the discipline of socio-economic geography and spatial management. Theoretical foundations and research issues}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/240172/WA51_276422_r2023-t95-z4_Przeg-Geogr-Nowak.pdf}, keywords={socio-economic geography and spatial management, law, legal geography, institutional approach, spatial planning}, }