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Title: Living with the dead. Burials in early Iron Age settlement at Enisala–Palanca, Tulcea county (South-Eastern Romania)


Ailincăi, Sorin Cristian ; Constantinescu, Mihai

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 67 (2015)


Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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Preventive archaeological excavations in 2003–2013 at Enisala-Palanca, Sarichioi, Tulcea County (southeastern Romania) brought to light an EIA settlement ascribed to Babadag culture (10th–8th c. BC). The 15 archaeological structures (pits and dwellings) containing human skeletons in various stages of representation hold an important place in the overall finds. The human bones belong to 26 individuals of both sexes and of various age categories. The anthropological analyses of the human remains from Enisala-Palanca site provide an opportunity to discuss matters concerning taphonomy, demography, pathology etc. The identification of human remains exhibiting signs of violent death opened way to the study of frequency, characteristics and significance of these injuries.


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