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At an intersection of Eastern and Western Christian traditions: The miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Aglona
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: At an intersection of Eastern and Western Christian traditions: The miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Aglona


Ładykowska, Agata

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Ethnologia Polona 28 (2007)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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ill. ; 24 cm

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Miraculous images belong to the religious traditions of both Western and Eastern Christianity. In spite of significant theological differences dividing the two streams of Christianity with regard to attitudes towards iconic representations, many similarities are noticeable, especially on the level of popular religious practice. The ethnographies of communities living at meeting points of both above mentioned traditions, in religious borderlands, provide especially clear examples. This essay draws on the long-term field research carried out in one such borderland, the Latvian province of Latgale (formerly Polish Livonia) and its religious centre, Aglona. Borderland social practice shows that particular religious groups tend to "appropriate" the representations of saints by placing them in their own respective aesthetic conventions, or, sometimes, in their respective shrines. This, however, does not lead to substantial social divisions in a particular local community. The results of this study suggest that, for the local religious cult, both nuances of iconography and artistic value have less meaning than local social relationships


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Ethnologia Polona



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