RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: The first find of LBK graphite-coated pottery in Lesser Poland: Więckowice, site 4, Kraków district


Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 73 nr 1 (2021)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



ill. ; 25 cm

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In the years 2006-2011, at the site Więckowice 4, rescue excavations were carried out in the eastern part of an extensive (over 15 ha) multicultural zone. The most numerous are the remains of the LBK settlement from the “music note” phase. The south-eastern part of the settlement was explored, discovering lines of building pits and post holes belonging to 3-4 longhouses. A particularly unique discovery was a fragment of a LBK vessel with powdered graphite preserved on the outer surface. In addition to the LBK ornament of engraved lines, it is decorated in a manner referring to the ornamentation of the Eastern Linear circle (Tiszadob-Kapušany group). The presence of graphite on the vessel wall has been confirmed by the results of SEM-EDS analyses. This is the first such find in Lesser Poland. To comprehensively address the cultural significance of this find we provide an up-to-date overview of graphite usage in a wide range of LBK contexts


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