Object structure

Stone sources from the North-Carpathian province in the Stone and Early Bronze Ages


Valde-Nowak, Paweł


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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ill. ; 24 cm

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Subject and Keywords:

siliceous rock ; hornstone ; Flysch ; Carpathians ; Pieniny Mts.


The Polish Carpathians are known to contain few siliceous rocks with good clevage characteristics. Only the radiolarite from the Pieniny rock belt has previously been noted. Actually the exploitation of the following local siliceous rocks during the Stone and Early Bronze Ages is documented: radiolarite, menilite and Mikuszowice hornstone, Dynów-marl. As a result of new archaeological research in the Polish West-Carpathians some indirect evidence of mining of siliceous rocks (e.g., typical mining tools as an element of inventories) has been published. Because the rock-outcrops here are of different characteristics from the classic province of prehistoric flint mining (Cracow - Częstochowa Upland, Świętokrzyskie [Holy Cross] Mts.), where flint is found in the form of nodules only, and not as siliceous layers, most probably the prehistoric man in the Carpathians used another method for exploitation of this raw material from the ground


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Archaeologia Polona



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