@misc{Kaczmarek_Jarmila_E._Forgotten_2018, author={Kaczmarek, Jarmila E.}, editor={Kowalska, Agata. Tł.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, address={Oxford; England}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Archaeopress Archaeology}, language={eng}, abstract={A Polish historian of glass Jerzy Olczak, who worked in Poznan for many years, brought together a group of enthusiasts interested in this subject. In 1981, he founded the Group for the Study of the History of Glass in Greater Poland (Zespół do Badań Dziejów Szkła w Wielkopolsce) to carry out field research for verifying glassworks sites in the region. Under a different name, this group operates to this day}, title={Forgotten History of Zespół do Badań Dziejów Szkła w Wielkopolsce(the Group for the Study of History of Glass in Greater Poland)}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/130412/PDF/WA308_103550_Forgotten-History_I.pdf}, keywords={history of archaeology, history of glass, historical archaeology, Poznan}, }