@misc{Sklenář_Karel_Izydor_2018, author={Sklenář, Karel}, editor={Keen, Kateřina J. Tł.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, address={Oxford; England}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Archaeopress Archaeology}, language={eng}, abstract={Contacts between Czech and Polish archaeologists started to develop at the beginning of 19th century, especially with the part of Poland ruled by Austrian (later Austro-Hungarian) empire. An outstanding representant of these, then relatively scanty relations was Izydor Kopernicki, professor of Anthropology in Cracow, who co-operated with several Czech archaeologists by processing human skulls from their excavations. He also participated in the Anthropological/archaeological section of the Second Congress of Czech Naturalists and Doctors (Prague, May 1882) and published his contribution in the major Czech archaeological journal. His closest friend in Bohemia was Kliment Čermák, regional archaeologist and founder of Czech museology, who included Kopernicki within one of his, then popular ‘archaeological short stories’ for young readers}, title={Izydor Kopernicki (1825–1891) and Czech Archaeology}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/130402/PDF/WA308_103414_Izydor-Kopernicki_I.pdf}, keywords={Izydor Kopernicki, Czech archaeology, historic anthropology, craniology, Kliment Čermák}, }