@misc{Czekaj-Zastawny_Agnieszka_Cultural_2011, author={Czekaj-Zastawny, Agnieszka and Kabaciński, Jacek and Terberger, Thomas}, volume={63}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Sprawozdania Archeologiczne}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2011}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={Around 5600–5500 calBC first farmers appeared at the North European Lowland initiating ca 2.000 years lasting process of neolithisation of this area. A unique feature of Dąbki settlement is the presence of several horizons of imports in the Late Mesolithic and early FBC context, mainly pottery vessels. These imports point toward an important role of that place in the exchange system between Mesolithic groups inhabited Central European Lowland and Neolithic people. Beside local hunters-gatherers, groups of Linear Band Pottery, Stroke Band Pottery, Ertebølle, Brześć Kujawski Group, Funnel Beaker and finally Bodrogkeresztúr cultures were engaged in these contacts. Till 2009 on site 9 at Dąbki there were discovered 8 potsherds of the Bodrogkeresztúr culture. Ornamentation, morphology, and technology of the fragments are typical for the pottery of the culture in question. We can synchronize the discussed imports with the earliest Funnel Beaker settlement stage in Dąbki, i.e. with years 4100/4000 cal BC}, title={Cultural Relations between the Great Hungarian Plain and the Southern Baltic Coast. Imports from the Bodrogkeresztúr Culture on the Site Dąbki 9 (Middle Pomerania) = Relacje kulturowe między terenami Wielkiej Niziny Węgierskiej a południowym wybrzeżem Bałtyku. Importy kultury Bodrogkeresztúr na stanowisku Dąbki 9 (Pomorze Środkowe)}, type={Text}, keywords={Pomerania, Neolithic, imports, Bodrogkeresztúr culture, Funnel Beaker Culture}, }