@misc{Musil_Jan_Memory_2019, author={Musil, Jan}, volume={32}, journal={Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae}, address={Łódź}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences. Łódź Branch}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper focuses on hitherto unknown evidence of the presence of invasion forces from the period of the so-called Prague Spring (1968) preserved in a forest area in the southern part of the Chrudim Region (Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic). In the forest area we found traces of 14 camps of the Polish army comprising visible trenches and foxholes for heavy equipment and men. Field remains are complemented by garbage in the form of cans and small parts of military equipment.}, title={Memory of Landscape and Waste. Archaeological Evidence of the Military Intervention in Czechoslovakia in August 1968 According to the Case of Chrudim Region}, type={Text}, keywords={archaeology of contemporary past, archaeology of conflicts, non-destructive surface survey, military trenches, Prague Spring 1968}, }