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On Gender-unfair Language and Its Consequences. A Discussion with Ignacy Nasalski’s Claims in 'Functional and Disfunctional Aspects of Inclusive Language with Particular Focus on Gender Asymmetry in Polish'


Szpyra-Kozłowska, Jolanta


Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Subject and Keywords:

gender inequality in language ; linguistic gender asymmetries ; inclusive / gender-fair language ; personal feminine nouns


The paper argues with the claims presented in I. Nasalski’s article entitled “Functions and dysfunctions of inclusive language with a particular focus on gender asymmetry in Polish” (Socjolingwistyka 2020), according to which grammatical gender systems, understood by the Author as (a)symmetries between masculine and feminine personal nouns, have negligible effect on women’s social situation as proved by different gender structure of Arabic, Persian and Polish, which does not correspond to women’s rights in the countries where these languages are spoken. Consequently, the Author questions the need to form new feminine nouns in Polish. The present paper points to many simplifications in Nasalski’s reasoning as well as his failure to refer to numerous studies which offer different points of view in the gender asymmetry debate. They concern various aspects of gender inequality in Arabic, the influence of language on our thinking and behaviour, and particularly the negative impact of gender biased language and advantages of using gender-fair language.


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