@misc{Háněl_Ladislav_Morphological_2000, author={Háněl, Ladislav}, editor={Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, language={eng}, abstract={Morphological variability of parthenogenetic Cephalenchus hexalineatus and amphimictic Filenchus misellus was studied in populations of single female progenies reared onbirch seedlings in laboratory for four months. In the females of both species the measurementsand the indices related to the anterior body part (stylet length, pharynx length, position of excretory pore and hemizonid, MB, EP%L) and to the genital area (V, V’) were the least variable morphological characteristics. Ovary length, body width, anal body with, tail length, and indices a and c’ showed the greatest variability. The taxonomy of both species is discussed.}, title={Morphological variability in single female progenies of Cephalenchus hexalineatus (Geraert, 1962) and Filenchus misellus (Andrássy, 1958) (Nematoda: Tylenchida)}, type={Text}, volume={50}, number={2}, journal={Annales Zoologici}, publisher={Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN}, keywords={Cephalenchus hexalineatus, Filenchus misellus, Tylenchidae, Cephalenchus, Filenchus, Morphological variability, taxonomy}, }