@misc{Toboła-Feliks_Magdalena_Dąbrówka_2021, author={Toboła-Feliks, Magdalena}, volume={19}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Journal of Urban Ethnology}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={In the article I introduce actions concerning the broadly understood revitalization (revival, restoration) of folk costume, undertaken in the village of Dąbrówka Wielka in Piekary Śląskie district. I examine grassroots initiatives aimed at preserving the custom of wearing local folk costumes and at demonstrating local identity and attachment to tradition. These projects can be classified as a magnum opus of the so-called engaged animation, turning modern folk costume wearers into protagonists of pageants that form a specific type of historical reenactment}, title={Dąbrówka Wielka – wieś w mieście. Animacja zaangażowana w zachowaniu miejscowego stroju ludowego (mediacja na styku etnologii i performatyki)}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/Content/235571/270711.pdf}, keywords={science about culture and religion, folk costume, Rozbark costume, engaged animation, local community, Dąbrówka Wielka}, }