@misc{Woźny_Marzena_Towards_2018, author={Woźny, Marzena}, editor={Skucińska, Anna. Tł.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 3.0 PL license}, address={Oxford; England}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Archaeopress Archaeology}, language={eng}, abstract={The development of archaeology in 19th-century Europe resulted in more and more precise archaeological maps comprising the data that researchers had gathered in their studies and excavations. In the mid 19th century, Polish scholars linked to the Cracow Learned Society proposed a new method of improving the archaeological documentation, namely devising a common system of cartographic symbols. The project, presented to the European forum of anthropologists and archaeologists, aroused much interest, was discussed and subsequently endorsed as one of the not so many issues that the international congresses of anthropology and archaeology settled quickly and explicitly. The project, first reported to the congresses by Count Aleksander Przezdziecki, was completed after his death by Ernest Chantre from France. The very idea and its elaboration, however, came from the Polish environment and were intended to overcome the borders and particularisms of 19th-century Europe with the use of a common scientific language}, title={Towards a Common Language: the Plan to Standardise Symbols on Archaeological Maps in 19th-century Europe}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/Content/130401/PDF/WA308_103386_Towards-Common_I.pdf}, keywords={archaeological maps, International Congresses of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology, 19th century, Cracow}, }