@misc{Warren_R._D._A_1997, author={Warren, R. D. and Crompton, R. H.}, volume={243}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Restricted Access}, journal={Journal of Zoology, Lond.}, address={London}, howpublished={online}, year={1997}, publisher={Wiley-Blackwell}, language={eng}, type={Text}, title={A comperative study of the ranging behaviour, activity rhythms and sociality of Lepilemur edwardsi (Primates, Lepilemuridae) and Avahi occidentalis (Primates, Indriidae) at Ampijoroa, Madagascar}, keywords={Activity, Activity rhythms, Avahi occidentalis, Behaviour, Indriidae, Lepilemur edwardsi, Lepilemuridae, Madagascar, Primates, Ranging behaviour, Rhythms, Sociality}, }