@misc{Łatka_Rafał_(1985–_)_Primate_2022, author={Łatka, Rafał (1985– )}, editor={Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, editor={Zakrzewski, Maciej : Tł.}, copyright={Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Bez utworów zależnych 4.0}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={eng}, abstract={This article is a concise analysis of the value of Primate Stefan Wyszyński’s Pro memoria as a historical source. It presents the most important facts concerning the hierarch’s journal, and proceeds to present a comprehensive discussion of the topics which Wyszyński touched upon in his notes, and of his writing style. The summary indicates fields of research which could utilize Pro memoria to their benefit, and also recapitulates the potential importance of the journal for scholarly research into the history of Poland in the years 1949–81.}, title={Primate Stefan Wyszyński’s Pro Memoria Journal as a Historical Source}, type={Tekst}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/Content/238082/WA303_274304_A52-KH-129-EE-6_Latka.pdf}, volume={129}, number={Eng.-Lang. Ed. 6}, journal={Kwartalnik Historyczny}, publisher={Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, keywords={Wyszyński, Stefan (1901-1981) [KABA], Stefan Wyszyński (błogosławiony ; 1901-1981) -- biografie -- źródła [KABA], Wyszyński, Stefan (1901-1981). Pro memoria, Kościół katolicki -- Polska -- 1945-1990 [KABA], Kościół katolicki -- Polska -- źródła [KABA], Kościół i państwo -- Polska -- 1945-1990 [KABA]}, }