@misc{Christopherson_R._J._Bisoniana_1978, author={Christopherson, R. J. and Hudson, R. J. and Richmond, R. J.}, volume={23}, number={2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Acta Theriologica}, address={Białowieża}, howpublished={online}, year={1978}, language={eng ; sum. eng. ; pol.}, title={Bisoniana LXVIII. Comparative winter bioenergetics of American bison, yak, Scottish highland and Hereford calves}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/Content/10506/PDF/BI002_11474_Cz-40-2_Acta-T23-nr2-49-54_o.pdf}, keywords={bioenergetics, Bison bison, critical temperature, Hereford calves, metabolic rate, thermal insulation, jak, bydło domowe, Bizon amerykański}, }