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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = river valleys] OR [Subject and Keywords = river valleys evolution] OR [Subject and Keywords = dating of sediments] OR [Subject and Keywords = alluvia] OR [Subject and Keywords = records of human impact in valleys] OR [Subject and Keywords = records of climate change in valleys] OR [Subject and Keywords = palaeoclimate] OR [Subject and Keywords = Holocene] OR [Subject and Keywords = Central Europe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Doliny \-\- Europa Środkowa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Holocen \-\- Europa Środkowa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Paleoklimatologia \-\- Europa Środkowa \-\- holocen \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Środowisko przyrodnicze \-\- skutki działalności człowieka \-\- Europa Środkowa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = doliny rzeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ewolucja dolin rzecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = datowania osadów] OR [Subject and Keywords = aluwia] OR [Subject and Keywords = zapis działalności człowieka w dolinach] OR [Subject and Keywords = zapis zmian klimantu w dolinach] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleoklimat] OR [Subject and Keywords = holocen] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europa Środkowa] OR [Title = Zapis zmian klimatu oraz działalności człowieka i ich rola w holoceńskiej ewolucji dolin środkowoeuropejskich = Reflection of climatic changes and human activity and their role in the Holocene evolution of Central European valleys] OR [Title = Zapis zmian klimatu oraz działalności człowieka i ich rola w holoceńskiej ewolucji dolin środkowoeuropejskich = Reflection of climatic changes and human activity and their role in the Holocene evolution of Central European valleys] OR [Creator = Kalicki, Tomasz \(1958– \)] OR [Creator = Kalicki, Tomasz \(1958– \)]

Number of results: 276

Items per page:

Panin, Andrey Fuzeina, Yulia Karevskaya, Inessa Sheremetskaya, Elena


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