@misc{Urban_Grzegorz._Autor_Air_2019, author={Urban, Grzegorz. Autor and Kowalewski, Michał K. Autor}, volume={92}, number={2}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Geographia Polonica}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper analyses the changes of temperature at the ground-level and the temperature and location of the selected isobaric surfaces in relation to Lityński atmospheric circulation (1969) as modified by PiankoKluczyńska (2007). The basic data used in this paper were everyday radiosonde measurements obtained from the Aerological Station in Legionowo in the years 2001-2010 at 00 UTC. The subject of the analysis were yearly and seasonal average temperatures as well as the locations of isobaric surfaces. The biggest differences between isobaric surfaces locations during anticyclonic kinds of circulation and those during cyclonic ones occur in winter, while the smallest such differences appear since May till September. When analysing the circulation type (direction and kind), it was established that isobaric surfaces are located at the lowest level during circulations from the northern quadrant. The universality of the circulation calendar which was used and the geographical location of the Aerological Station in Legionowo entitle us to claim the results of this study to be representative for the lowland of Central Europe.}, title={Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/72819/PDF/WA51_94979_r2019-t92-no2_G-Polonica-%20Urban.pdf}, keywords={radiosonde data, isobaric surface, atmospheric circulation, air temperature, Central Europe lowland}, }