RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Health\-seeking strategies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Reforms of health care system] OR [Subject and Keywords = Uncertainty] OR [Subject and Keywords = Risk] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trust] OR [Subject and Keywords = Post\-Soviet Central Asia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kyrgyzstan] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bishkek] OR [Subject and Keywords = strategie zdrowotne] OR [Subject and Keywords = reformy systemu opieki zdrowotnej] OR [Subject and Keywords = niepewność] OR [Subject and Keywords = ryzyko] OR [Subject and Keywords = zaufanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = postsowiecka Azja środkowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kirgistan] OR [Subject and Keywords = Biszkek] OR [Title = Niepewność, ryzyko, zaufanie. System opieki medycznej i jego reformy w postsowieckim Kirgistanie a strategie zdrowotne mieszkańców Biszkeku] OR [Creator = Penkala\-Gawęcka, Danuta]

Number of results: 6

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