RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Statistics of digital library

Number of objects: 34 669 (including 30 032 published and 4 637 planned objects)

Readers on-line: 14

Total number of users since 2008-07-01: 5 704 749

General statistics


Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of displayed objects
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of new objects
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of object downloads
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file
Summary number of displayed / downloaded objects
Show statistics as: HTML table , csv file

Number of new objects added in different formats


stat chart

The number in parentheses is the total number of objects with content for a given format

  1. DJVU [815]
  2. PDF [10 211]
  3. Photo gallery [15 565]
  4. Audio [7]
  5. Video [0]
  6. EPUB [0]
  7. MOBI [0]
  8. Card [0]
  9. Literature [0]
  10. Maps [0]
  11. Result data [0]
  12. 3D - GLB [670]
  13. 3D - OBJ/MTL [673]
  14. Dataset [0]
  15. Undefined format [2 769]
Number of content views for different formats


stat chart2

The number in parentheses is the total number of content views requested for a given format

  1. DJVU [352 014]
  2. PDF [5 655 569]
  3. Photo gallery [221 111]
  4. Audio [353]
  5. Video [0]
  6. EPUB [0]
  7. MOBI [0]
  8. Card [0]
  9. Literature [0]
  10. Maps [0]
  11. Result data [0]
  12. 3D - GLB [10 769]
  13. 3D - OBJ/MTL [2 189]
  14. Dataset [0]
  15. Undefined format [105 786]


Ranking by total number of objects


Ranking by number of viewed objects


stat chart2

Number in brackets is a sum of all reads of objects which metadata description contains given attribute value.

  1. pol [4711718]
  2. eng [1050963]
  3. ger [508020]
  4. fre [245837]
  5. lat [115951]
  6. rus [103689]
  7. ita [26019]
  8. cze [23349]
  9. mal [14553]
  10. Text partly in Malay-Polynesian. - Malay-Polynesian-French dictionary [14553]
  11. Summary in French [8894]
  12. hun [8391]
  13. fin [8135]
  14. mes [5504]
  15. fra [4481]
  16. gre [3535]
  17. grc [3204]
  18. slo [3175]
  19. Summary in French and German [2859]
  20. rom [2752]
  21. Streszcz. w j. niemieckim [2633]
  22. dan [2437]
  23. Text partly in lat [2427]
  24. mul [2312]
  25. Text in Meskwaki with translation into English [1904]
  26. heb [1749]
  27. Text partly in Hebrew [1749]
  28. sla [1483]
  29. spa [1276]
  30. lav [1220]
  31. Multiple lang. [1036]
  32. Multiple languages [1010]
  33. ara [909]
  34. sux [744]
  35. Text partly in Classical Greek [617]
  36. bul [614]
  37. Text partly in Latin [457]
  38. grt [428]
  39. lit [345]
  40. nor [257]
  41. Tekst równolegle w j. duńskim i francuskim [256]
  42. gerpol [232]
  43. erz [224]
  44. chi [210]
  45. Parallel text in German and Polish [180]
  46. scr [151]
  47. frel [127]
  48. che [19]

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