@misc{Derlicki_Jarosław_Old_2012-2013, author={Derlicki, Jarosław}, volume={33-34}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Ethnologia Polona}, address={Warszwa}, howpublished={online}, year={2012-2013}, publisher={Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={This article concerns people of Polish descent in the former USSR countries. Terms such as the Polonia, (ethnic) Poles, the Polish minority and others are presented and explained. The majority of those terms is burdened with “martyrological” or ideological and political overtones or, alternatively, hardly fits the local realities. Hence I am of the opinion that the most appropriate is to talk of people of Polish origin, to whom it is possible to include the Poles, the Polonia, the Polish minority, as well as people of other nationalities who cherish their Polish roots. In my opinion, it is difficult to speak of a homogeneous and cohesive culture and identity of people living abroad who refer to their Polishness, even on the level of a concrete country. The internal variability of this category makes it impossible to research as a uniform group which presents a certain type of Polishness common to its entirety, contrary to the manner of researching it in many Polish emigration studies. The study of local communities of Polish origin, which are homogeneous on the local level but illustrate the variability and gradability of Polishness on the general level, may be a possible solution to this problem. The final section of the article focuses on the difficulties in defining Polishness in the East. These difficulties involve the issue of singling out the Poles from the broad category of people of Polish origin in the East, as well as the “artificial” kindling of Polishness. The difficult economic situation of the former USSR countries, which may affect the implementation of identity strategies, is also mentioned}, title={Old issues – new approaches? People of Polish descent in the former USSR countries}, type={Text}, URL={http://www.rcin.org.pl/iae/Content/54887/PDF/WA308_75362_P368_Old-issues-new-appro_I.pdf}, keywords={Polish minority, former USSR, identity, ethnicity, locality}, }