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Title: The first cremation traces in the Eneolithic period north of the Carpathian Mountains


Wilk, Stanisław ; Szczepanek, Anita

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 69 (2017)


Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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The subject of this article is the fi rst eneolithic cremation burial in south-eastern Poland which was discovered on the cemetery of the Lublin-Volhynia culture at site 2 in Książnice, voiv. świętokrzyskie. Grave 14 was unearthed while exploring the western part of the necropolis in August 2012. The burial pit, 122 x 75 cm, was shaped like a rectangle with rounded corners, elongated along the north-south axis. In the southern part of the grave, at the depth of 40-45 cm, a concentrati on of charred human bones was found belonging to an individual at the age of maturus. The grave goods consist of two clay vessels (a pear-shaped cup with knobs on the larger bulge of its body, and a miniature pot with a gooseneck profi le and notched spout) and twelve fl int artefacts. The analyzed burial is another example of the intense cultural infl uences of the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon to the late younger Danubian communities inhabiting Lesser Poland at the turn of the 5th and 4th millennia BC.


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